sábado, 7 de abril de 2012

Some Of The History Of My Contry


The History

The Pre-Columbian Honduras was populated by a complex mix of indigenous peoples representing a wide variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. These groups include the Maya, which were related to the Maya of Yucatan and Guatemala. The Maya spread through the Motagua River Valley, centering their control on the main ceremonial center of Copán, near the present city of Santa Rosa de Copan. For three and a half centuries, the Maya developed the city, making it one of the main centers of culture. Causes unknown to this day, caused the abandonment and destruction of Copan and other Maya cities, which at the time of the Spanish conquest and were only ruins.

Spanish contacts with the indigenous population of Honduras began with the last voyage of Christopher Columbus. In 1502, Columbus sailed past the Bay Islands and soon after went to Punta Caxinas (Cabo de Honduras), landed in Trujillo and took possession of Honduras on behalf of the sovereigns of Spain. Since its discovery, the territory of Honduras remained intact, until March 1524, when Gil Gonzalez Davila became the first Spanish to arrive in Honduras for purposes of conquest. Then they did, Cristobal de Olid, Francisco de las Casas, Hernan Cortes and Pedro de Alvarado.

Once Honduras declared independence from the other nations of Central America, we proceeded to the organization of the new Honduran state. However, this organization was hampered by rivalries between liberals and conservatives, who produced political chaos and delayed development. The country's political turmoil attracted the ambitions of individuals and of European and Central American nations. Throughout the rest of the century, Honduras's neighbors constantly interfered in its internal politics. After many difficulties, it fell to the administration of Dr. Marco Aurelio Soto, organize the country, launching modern codes in civil, criminal, procedural, trade and agriculture in order to modernize Honduras and finish with the archaic colonial legislation.

Honduras's economy based on agriculture, was dominated in the twentieth century by American companies like United Fruit Company, Standard Fruit Company and the Cuyamel Fruit Company, which established vast banana plantations along the north coast. These companies, banana quickly became the main export Honduras in exchange for large concessions. Thus, foreign capital, life in the banana plantations, and the Conservatives, were determining factors in the politics of Honduras from the late nineteenth to mid twentieth century.

The Discovery of Honduras

this precesent the goal of the spanish people

Christopher Columbus, having already 66 years old left Cadiz on May 9, 1502, with four caravels and 150 men, taking his hand to his brother Bartholomew and his son Ferdinand 13 fruit of his second marriage. On May 20 touched the Canary island of Martinique acknowledged the June 15, landed in Dominica, toured the south coast of Puerto Rico, passing through the south of the Spanish, but did not land on it because Nicolas de Ovando denied entry into port and went to Jamaica for its southern coast. Then explored the coast of Darien and became the island of Guanaja which he called Isla de los Pinos on the coast of Honduras.

Him was Cristoval Colon the discover of my contry. and almost all America

From there he continued to Punta Caxinas (Cabo de Honduras), landed in Trujillo and took possession of Honduras on behalf of the sovereigns of Spain. After descending to the south, acknowledged the coast of Central America and Colombia to the Gulf of San Blas. He discovered the regions of the Mosquito, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

The Conquest

Him was one of the conquest of my contry

Since its discovery, the territory of Honduras remained intact, until March 1524, when Gil Gonzalez Davila became the first Spanish to arrive in Honduras for purposes of conquest. He founded the town of San Gil de Buena Vista and entered Honduran territory pacifying the Indians, fighting against the Spanish who fought for the territory, and also, hoping to find the outlet of Lake Nicaragua. Then, Hernán Cortés moved by the reports he had received on the wealth of the country, sent two expeditions, one by land and over sea. Commissioned the first to Pedro de Alvarado and Cristobal de Olid second. But the latter betrayed him. For this reason, Cortes left Mexico at the head of an expedition that lasted nearly two years and ended, after thousands of dangers and privations, in Trujillo

Arriving in Honduras, Cortes introduced cattle and founded the city of Nativity of Our Lady, near Puerto Caballos. On April 25, 1526, before returning to Mexico, Cortes, Hernando de Saavedra appointed governor of Honduras and left instructions to give them good treatment of indígenas.El October 26, 1526, Diego Lopez de Salcedo, was appointed by the emperor as governor of Honduras, replacing Saavedra. The following decade was marked by the personal ambitions of rulers and conquerors interfering with the governmental organization. The Spanish colonists rebelled against their leaders, and the Indians rebelled against their employers, and against abuse.

Salcedo, seeking to enrich themselves, had serious clashes with Pedrarias, governor of Castilla del Oro, who for his part, wanted to Honduras as part of his dominions. In 1528 Pedrarias, Salcedo arrested and forced to cede part of Honduran territory, but the emperor rejected the acuerdo. After Salcedo's death in 1530, the colonists became arbiters of power. Put and drew governors. In response, the settlers asked Pedro de Alvarado to end the anarchy. With the arrival of Alvarado in 1536, chaos diminished, and the region was under authority.

In 1537, Francisco de Montejo was appointed governor. Arriving in Honduras, set aside land dealings made ​​by Alvarado. Its captain, Alonso de Cáceres, was responsible for suppressing the revolt of 1537 and 1538 India, led by Chief Lempira. In 1539 Montejo and Alvarado had serious disagreements over the region, which caught the attention of the Council of the Indies. Montejo went to Chiapas, and Alvarado became governor of Honduras.

( all the info that i used in this post was from www.wikipedia.com )  
thnks for read me again :D i hope that u like.! 

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